Ok, we’re hungry, but can we spare some food for Mama Earth? Plant-based diet, meat and some common sense.

Delia Racheru
7 min readJul 19, 2018
Photo by Teo Zac on Unsplash

A few days ago, as part of the EU bill, the UK politicians have voted against transferring the EU legislation which states animals can have feelings or emotions. According to the Tories, animals can’t feel pain. Of course, many of us disagree, but fair enough- let’s put it that way: animals can’t feel pain and we can go on with our meat feast, our ‘ caring’ farming practices and our fashionable clothing production. This made me think… Oxygen also can’t feel pain, but if some evil genius manages to ‘ kill ‘ it we’d all be burning in a few seconds without our UV light shield, the concrete buildings would collapse, the oceans would evaporate and the living cells would just become gaseous dust.

Firstly, I am not going to go as far as saying ‘be a plant eater, not a planet eater’; I am not writing this to promote vegetarianism, although I stopped having meat a while ago. Clearly, we’re not destroying the planet by just eating meat; there are many and worse things we are doing to our planet, but what is happening to our food industry is also a reflection of our consumerist behaviour and our choices, most of them affecting our environment. Really, nothing happens if you don’t care about animals and you enjoy eating them. I don’t even think you’d go to hell for that; I…



Delia Racheru

Writer, illustrator, musician, photographer, actress, this, that and the other ✣